


关小红 教授



同济大学环境科学与工程学院与华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院双聘教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,研究方向为水污染控制化学。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文100余篇,其中近50篇发表在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.、Water Res.上;获授权中国发明专利8项;获教育部自然科学二等奖1项( 2/4;2019)、重庆市自然科学二等奖1项(2/5;2021)、紫金全兴环境基金青年学者奖(2020)、ES&T的Super Reviewer Award(2021);组织了中国化学会第十四届水处理化学大会、三次担任全国环境化学大会铁环境化学分会场召集人之一;受邀担任多个国内外会议的学术委员会委员,也受邀在美国著名的Gordon学术会议等多个学术会议上做大会主题报告。曾任Water Res.、J. Hazard. Mater.和Water Environ. Res.等多个期刊的副主编,担任Environ. Sci. Tech. Let.在内的多个中英文期刊的编委,在多个学术组织任常务理事或委员。作为主编,出版了专著《高质量SCI论文入门必备-从选题到发表》,主持了包括8项国家自然基金和重点研发计划课题在内的项目20余项。










2002.2-2005.8     香港科技大学土木工程系 环境工程专业 博士

1999.9-2002.1     同济大学环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 硕士

1994.9-1999.7     同济大学环境科学与工程学院 环境工程专业 学士



2021.3至今          华东师范大学,教授、博导

2011.8至今          同济大学,教授、博导

2010.4-2011.7      哈尔滨工业大学,副教授、博导

2007.9-2010.3      哈尔滨工业大学,副教授

2007.3-2010.6      哈尔滨工业大学土木工程博士后流动站,博士后

2007.1-2007.8      哈尔滨工业大学,讲师

2006.2-2006.12    江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系,院聘教授

2005.9-2006.2      美国密苏里科技大学土木工程系,访问学者



  1. 英国皇家化学学会会士
  2. Environmental Science & Technology Letters、ACS ES&T Engineering、Water、Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering、土木与环境工程学报 、安全与环境学报等中英文期刊的编委
  3. Section Editor, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022.5-今
  4. 2022 ACS 秋季年会, Greener Strategies in Environmental Sustainability In Honor of John Crittenden分会召集人, 2022.8
  5. 第十一届、第十二届、第十三届环境化学大会“铁环境化学”、“青年学者专场”分会召集人,2022年7月
  6. Associate Editor, Water Research, 2020.5-2021.8
  7. Associate Editor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019.6-2021.6
  8. Associate Editor, Water Environment Research, 2018.10-2019.10
  9. 编委, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018.10-今
  10. 编委, 土木与环境工程学报, 2021.1-今
  11. 中国环境科学学会环境化学分会委员, 2017.4-今
  12. 中国化学会应用化学学科委员会水处理化学学科组理事会常务理事,2018.5-今
  13. 持久性污染物防治与资源化江西省重点实验室学术委员会委员,2024.1-2028.12
  14. 中国环境科学研究院土壤和地下水研究所第一届学术委员会委员,2023.11-2.26.11
  15.  “流域碳中和专业委员会”第一届专业委员会委员,2024.5-
  16. 中国环境科学学会POPs专委会委员
  17. 中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会常务委员
  18. 中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛专委会委员,2022.6-今
  19. 第十届环境化学大会“铁环境化学”分会召集人,2019
  20. 中国化学会第十四届全国水处理化学大会暨海峡两岸水处理化学研讨会会议执行主席,2018.
  21. International Organizing Committee, 7th International Congress & Exhibition On Arsenic In The Environment, Environmental Arsenic In A Changing World (As2018)
  22. 第九届环境化学大会“铁环境化学”分会召集人,2017
  23. 中国化学会第十三届水处理化学大会学术委员会委员,2016
  24. 第一届环境铁化学和污染控制技术研讨会,组委会秘书,2016
  25. 国际水协会中国青年委员会副主席(Vice Chair of National Committee of IWA China Young Water Professionals), 2012-2016.
  26. 全国给水排水技术信息网理事
  27. 环境科学前沿,编委
  28. 学术委员会委员,中国化学会第十三届全国水处理化学大会暨海峡两岸水处理化学研讨会,南京,2016年4月.
  29. Invited session chair of “Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution”, The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China, September, 2015.
  30. Scientific Committee for the Water and Environment Technology 2014 conference, Waseda University, June, 2014.
  31. Scientific Committee for the IWA Regional Conference on Water Reuse and Energy 2014, Daegu, Korea, 21-24 October, 2014.
  32. Vice executive chairperson, Metals in water – health protection and sustainability through technical innovation 2013, Shanghai, China, 7-9 November, 2013.
  33. Management Committee Member of the IWA Specialist Group “Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water”
  34. Scientific Committee member of the conference “Water and Environmental Technology Conference 2013 (WET2013)”, June 15-16th, Tokyo, Japan.
  35. Scientific Committee member of the conference “Water and Environmental Technology Conference 2012 (WET2012)”, June 29-30th, Tokyo, Japan.
  36. Scientific committee member of the conference “International Symposium on Recent Advances in Water Resources Management & Pollution Control---with Special Focus on China”, 11-12 May 2012, Galway, Ireland.
  37. Invited session chair of “The IWA Conference on Pretreatment of Water and Wastewater”, 18-20 May, 2014, Shanghai, China.
  38. Invited session chair of “integrated technologies for urban water”, Cities of the Future Xi’an: Technologies for Integrated Urban Water Management, 15-19 September, 2011. Xi’an, China.
  39. Invited session chair of “Ion Exchange and AOP”, 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, 2-6 October, 2011.Tokyo, Japan.
  40. Secretary of the conference “Sino-Swiss Scientific Workshop for Water and Wastewater Treatment”, January 23-25, 2008.
  41. Editorial Board member of “Global Journal of Environmental Science & Technology”
  42. Member of International Water Association (No. 01006034) and ACS (No. 30065266)
  43. 中国化学会十一届水处理化学大会暨学术研讨会,分会场主持人,2012年8月,天津.






  1. 研究生科研素养必备,华东师范大学研究生课程建设项目,2023.7.1-2025.6.30,负责人
  2. 水化学教材撰写,2023华东师范大学校精品教材建设项目,负责人
  3. Aquatic chemistry课程建设,上海市研究生优质课程, 2011.9-2013.9,第二负责人
  4. 科技论文撰写与汇报的规范表达,同济大学研究生教育研究与改革项目,2019.01-2020.12,负责人。
  5. 专业课“课程思政”实践路径探讨——以“水化学理论与应用”课程为例,同济大学研究生教育研究与改革项目,2020.01-2021.12,负责人。




  1. 工业废水中高浓度典型有机污染物的成对电催化高值转化与机制                                                                   
  2. 基于电化学的有机废水中污染物的高值定向转化效能和机制                
    基本科研业务费储备项目 100万 2023.1-2024.12
  3. 饮用水中双酚类新污染物环境健康风险评估、管控及深度净化处理技术研究与示范(22dz1202300
    “科技创新行动计划” 社会发展科技攻关项目 300万 2022.9.1-2025.8.31  2022.10.1-2026.9.31
  4. 稳定化微纳铁基还原材料去除污染物的构效关系及调控机制
    微纳高效还原功能材料规模化制备关键技术及装备(子课题负责人) 120万 2022.10.1-2026.9.31
  5. 适配微生物除污过程的纳米铁研制及其电子供体特性(2021YFA1201701)
    国家重点研发项目(课题负责人) 525万 2021.12-2026.11
  6. 水污染控制铁化学(22025601) 
    国家自然科学基金  400万 2021.1-2025.12
  7. 基于Fe(VI)/Fe(V)/Fe(IV)的水污染控制新方法及分子反应机制(PCRRK20014)
    污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室自主课题 50万 2020.10-2021.12
  8. 有氧条件下硫化零价铁还原去除水中Cr(VI)反应机制研究(U1932119)
    国家自然科学基金(参与) 24.8万 2020.1-2023.12
  9. 铅/镉/砷污染土壤的铁基同步稳定化修复材料研发(2019YFC1805202)
    国家重点研发项目(子课题负责人) 70万 2020.1-2022.12
  10. Fe2+/PMS氧化典型新型有机污染物的两段式反应动力学及机制再探(21976133)
    国家自然科学基金  66万 2020.1-2023.12
  11. 零价铁去除Se(VI)过程中电子选择性的关键影响因子甄别及作用机制探索 (21777117)  
    国家自然科学基金   65万 2018.1-2021.12 
  12. 同济大学青年百人计划 
    同济大学 300万 2016.7-2021.6
  13. 基于同步辐射原位XAFS方法研究纳米Fe0去除饮用水中As(III)的反应机制
    国家自然科学基金(合作) 16.2万  2016.1-2018.12
  14. 高锰酸钾/亚硫酸钠体系中Mn(III)的生成机理及Mn(III)性质的研究(PCRRK16001)
    污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室自主课题 20万 2016.7-2018.9
  15. 基于Mn(III)的工业废水深度处理技术研究与开发
    宁波神筹环保设备有限公司技术服务 300万 2016.1-2019.1
  16. 弱磁场对已钝化零价铁除Se(IV)过程的加速作用和反应机制(51478329)
    国家自然科学基金  90万 2015.1-2018.12
  17. 水污染控制铁锰化学 (21522704) 
    国家自然科学基金  2016.1-2018.12
  18. 基于型体匹配的多吸附点位Langmuir模型模拟重金属在典型矿物上(竞争)吸附行为的基础研(21277095)
    国家自然科学基金  150万 2013.1-2016.12
  19. 腐殖酸对高锰酸钾氧化酚类化合物动力学的影响规律和机理研究(21077029)  
    国家自然科学基金 36万  2011.1-2013.12
  20. 新生态铁除As(V)效能和界面反应机制研究(50908060)
    国家自然科学基金  20万 2010.1-2012.12




  1. Liu, F., Dong, H., Zhong, S., Wu, X., Wang, T., Wang, X., Liu, Y., Zhu, M., Lo I.M.C., Zhan, S.*, Guan, X.* Selective electrocatalytic transformation of highly toxic phenols in wastewater to para-benzoquinone at ambient conditions. Water Res. 2024, 251, 121106.
  2. Sun, Y., Zheng, K., Du, X., Qin, H., Guan, X.* Insights into the contrasting effects of sulfidation on dechlorination of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by zero-valent iron. Water Res. 2024, 255, 21494.
  3. Chen, T., Dong, H., Yu, Y., Chen, J., Xu, J., Sun, Y.*, Guan, X.* Neutral Phenolic Contaminants Are Not Necessarily More Resistant to Permanganate Oxidation Than Their Dissociated Counterparts: Importance of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 45, 17620-17628.
  4. Shao, B., Deng, J., Dong, H., Wang, S., Li, E.*, Guan, X.* Iron(III)-(1,10-Phenanthroline) Complex Can Enhance Ferrate(VI) and Ferrate(V) Oxidation of Organic Contaminants via Mediating Electron Transfer, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 44, 17144-17153.
  5. Zhong, S., Guan, X.*, Developing Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) Models for Water Contaminants’ Activities/Properties by Fine-Tuning GPT-3 Models, Environ Sci Technol Let 2023, 10, 10, 872-877.
  6. Zhong, S., Guan, X.*, SCount-Based Morgan Fingerprint: A More Efficient and Interpretable Molecular Representation in Developing Machine Learning-Based Predictive Regression Models for Water Contaminants’ Activities and Properties. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2023, 57, 46, 18193-18202.
  7. Wang, S., Lin, Y., Shao, B., Dong, H., Ma, J., Guan, X.*, Selective Removal of Emerging Organic Contaminants from Water Using Electrogenerated Fe(IV) and Fe(V) under Near-Neutral Conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 25, 9332–9341.
  8. Shao, H., Chen, J., Xu, J., Liu, Y., Dong, H., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*, Naproxen as a Turn-On Chemiluminescent Probe for Real-Time Quantification of Sulfate Radicals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 23, 8818–8827.
  9. Wang., S., Chen, J., Sun, Y., Sun, B., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*, Roles of MnO2 Colloids and Mn(III) during the Oxidation of Organic Contaminants by Permanganate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 2, 997–1005.
  10. Rao, D., Dong, H., Niu, M., Wang, X., Qiao, J., Sun, Y.*, Guan, X.*, Mechanistic Insights into the Markedly Decreased Oxidation Capacity of the Fe(II)/S2O82– Process with Increasing pH. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 18, 13131–13141.
  11. Chen, T., Sun, Y., Dong, H., Chen, J., Yu, Y., Ao, Z., Guan, X.*, Understanding the Importance of Periodate Species in the pH-Dependent Degradation of Organic Contaminants in the H2O2/Periodate Process. Environ Sci Technol 2022, 56, 3127-3137. (Citations 0)
  12. Shao, B., Dong, H., Zhou, G., Ma, J., Sharma, V., Guan, X.*, Degradation of Organic Contaminants by Reactive Iron/Manganese Species: Progress and Challenges. Water Res 2022, 221, 118765-118780. (Citations 0)
  13. Chen, J., Sun, B., Zhu, Y., Yang, Y., Guan, X.*, Unraveling the Role of Mn(VI) and Mn(V) Species in Contaminant Abatement by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol Let 2022, 9, 446-451. (Citations 1)
  14. Liu, Y., Qian, J., Sun, Y.*, Guan, X.*, Simultaneous Sequestration of Humic Acid-Complexed Pb(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), and As(V) by Sulfidated Zero-Valent Iron: Performance and Stability of Sequestration Products. Environ Sci Technol 2022, 56, 3127-3137. (Citations 5)
  15. Dong, H., Xu, Q., Lian, L., Li, Y., Wang, S., Li, C., Guan, X.*, Degradation of Organic Contaminants in the Fe (II)/Peroxymonosulfate Process under Acidic Conditions: The Overlooked Rapid Oxidation Stage. Environ Sci Technol 2021, 55, 15390-15399. (Citations 3)
  16. Li, J., Guan, X.*, Zhang, W., Architectural Genesis of Metal(loid)s with Iron Nanoparticle in Water. Environ Sci Technol 2021, 55, 12801-12808. (Citations 3)
  17. Wang, S., Deng, Y., Shao, B., Zhu, J., Hu, Z., Guan, X.*, Three Kinetic Patterns for the Oxidation of Emerging Organic Contaminants by Fe(VI): The Critical Roles of Fe(V) and Fe(IV). Environ Sci Technol 2021, 55, 11335-11347. (Citations 17)
  18. Qian, K., Chen, H., Li, W., Ao, Z., Wu, Y., Guan, X.*, Single-Atom Fe Catalyst Outperforms Its Homogeneous Counterpartfor Activating Peroxymonosulfate to Achieve Effective Degradationof Organic Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2021, 55, 7034-7043. (Citations 87)
  19. Rao, D., Chen, J., Dong, H., Qiao, J., Zhou, B., Sun, Y.*, Guan, X.*, Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants by Mn(VII)/CaSO3 Under Environmentally Relevant Conditions: Performance and Mechanisms. Water Res 2021, 188, 116481. (Citations 17)
  20. Zhu, J., Yu, F., Meng, J., Shao, B., Dong, H., Chu, W., Cao, T., Wei, G., Wang, H., Guan, X.*, Overlooked Role of Fe(IV) and Fe(V) in Organic Contaminant Oxidation by Fe(VI). Environ Sci Technol 2020, 54 (15), 9702-9710. (Citations 62)
  21. Dong, H., Li, Y., Wang, S., Liu, W., Zhou, G., Xie, Y., Guan, X.*, Both Fe(IV) and radicals are active oxidants in the Fe(II)/peroxydisulfate process. Environ Sci Technol Let 2020, 7 (3), 219-224. (Citations 128)
  22. Dong, H., Wei, G., Cao, T., Shao, B., Guan, X.*, Strathmann, T. J., Insights into the Oxidation of Organic Cocontaminants during Cr(VI) Reduction by Sulfite: The Overlooked Significance of Cr(V). Environ Sci Technol 2020, 54 (2), 1157-1166. (Citations 43)

  23. Fan, P., Sun, Y., Zhou, B., Guan, X.*, Coupled Effect of Sulfidation and Ferrous Dosing on Selenate Removal by Zerovalent Iron Under Aerobic Conditions. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53 (24), 14577-14585. (Citations 21)
  24. Qiao, J., Feng, L., Dong, H., Zhao, Z., Guan, X.*, Overlooked role of sulfur-centered radicals during bromate reduction by sulfite. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53 (17), 10320-10328. (Citations 28)
  25. Fan, P., Li, L., Sun, Y., Qiao, J., Xu, C., Guan, X.*, Selenate removal by Fe-0 coupled with ferrous iron, hydrogen peroxide, sulfidation, and weak magnetic field: A comparative study. Water Res 2019, 159, 375-384. (Citations 37)
  26. Li, J., Dou, X., Qin, H., Sun, Y., Yin, D., Guan, X.*, Characterization methods of zerovalent iron for water treatment and remediation. Water Res 2019, 148, 70-85. (Citations 66)
  27. Liu, W., Sun, B., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*, Influence of Pyrophosphate on the Generation of Soluble Mn(III) from Reactions Involving Mn Oxides and Mn(VII). Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53 (17), 10227-10235. (Citations 36)
  28. Qin, H., Guan, X.*, Tratnyek, P. G.*, Effects of Sulfidation and Nitrate on the Reduction of N-Nitrosodimethylamine by Zerovalent Iron. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53 (16), 9744-9754. (Citations 22)
  29. Rao, D., Sun, Y., Shao, B., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*, Activation of oxygen with sulfite for enhanced Removal of Mn(II): The involvement of SO4 center dot. Water Res 2019, 157, 435-444. (Citations 36)
  30. Shao, B., Dong, H., Sun, B., Guan, X.*, Role of Ferrate(IV) and Ferrate(V) in Activating Ferrate(VI) by Calcium Sulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2019, 53 (2), 894-902. (Citations 131)
  31. Qin H., Guan, X.*, Bandstra J.Z., Johnson R.L., Tratnyek P.G.* Modeling the Kinetics of Hydrogen Formation by Zerovalent Iron: Effects of Sulfidation on Micro- and Nano-Scale Particles. Environ Sci Technol 201852, 13887-13896. (Citations 45)
  32. Li, J., Zhang, X., Liu, M., Pan, B., Zhang, W., Shi, Z., Guan, X.*. Enhanced Reactivity and Electron Selectivity of Sulfidated Zerovalent Iron toward Chromate under Aerobic Conditions. Environ Sci Technol 2018, 52, 2988−2997. (Citations 136)
  33. Li, J., Zhang, X., Sun, Y., Liang, L., Pan, B., Zhang, W., Guan, X.*. Advances in Sulfidation of Zerovalent Iron for Water Decontamination. Environ Sci Technol 2017, 51 (23), 13533-13544. (Citations 162)
  34. Sun Y., Hu Y., Guan, X.*. Combined effect of weak magnetic field and anions on arsenite sequestration by ZVI: Kinetics and mechanisms. Environ Sci Technol 2017 51 (7), 3742–3750. (Citations 46)
  35. Qin H., Li J., Yang H., Pan B., Zhang W., Guan, X.*. Coupled effect of ferrous ion and oxygen on the electron selectivity of zerovalent iron for selenate sequestration. Environ Sci Technol 201751 (9), 5090–5097. (Citations 65)
  36. Xu, H., Sun, Y., Li, J., Li, F., Guan, X.*. Aging of zerovalent iron in synthetic groundwater: x‑ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling characterization and depassivation with uniform magnetic field.  Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50 (15), 8214–8222. (Citations 73)
  37. Sun, Y., Li, J., Huang, T.* Guan, X.*. The influences of iron characteristics, operating conditions and solution chemistry on contaminants removal by zero-valent iron: A review. Water Res 2016, 100, 277-295. (Citations 302)
  38. Sun, B., Dong, H., He, D., Rao D., Guan, X.*. Modeling the Kinetics of Contaminants Oxidation and the Generation of Manganese(III) in the Permanganate/Bisulfite Process. Environ Sci Technol 2016, 50, 1473−1482. (Citations 91)
  39. Li, J., Qin, H., Guan, X.*. Premagnetization for Enhancing the Reactivity of Multiple Zerovalent Iron Samples toward Various Contaminants. Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 14401-14408. (Citations 50)
  40. Sun, B., Guan, X.*, Fang, J., Tratnyek, P. G.* Activation of Manganese Oxidants with Bisulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants: The Involvement of Mn(III). Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49, 12414-12421. (Citations 200)
  41. Li, J., Shi, Z., Ma, B., Zhang, P., Jiang, X., Z. J., Guan, X.*. Improving the Reactivity of Zerovalent Iron by Taking Advantage of Its Magnetic Memory: Implications for Arsenite Removal. Environ Sci Technol 2015, 49 (17), 10581-10588. (Citations 55)
  42. Guan, X.*, Sun, Y., Qin, H., Li, J, Lo, I., He, D., H. R., The limitations of applying zero-valent iron technology in contaminants sequestration and the corresponding countermeasures: The development in zero-valent iron technology in the last two decades (1994-2014). Water Res 2015, 75, 224-248. (Citations 625)
  43. Liang, L., Guan, X.*, Shi, Z., Li, J., Wu, Y., Tratnyek, P. G.,* Coupled Effects of Aging and Weak Magnetic Fields on Sequestration of Selenite by Zero-Valent Iron. Environ Sci Technol 2014, 48, 6326-6334. (Citations 121)
  44. Sun, Y., Guan, X.*, Wang, J., Meng, X., Xu, C., Zhou, G., Effect of Weak Magnetic Field on Arsenate and Arsenite Removal from Water by Zerovalent Iron: An XAFS Investigation. Environ Sci Technol 2014, 48, 6850-6858. (Citations 127)
  45. Zhang, J., Sun, B., Xiong, X., Gao, N., Song, W., Du, E., Guan, X.*, Zhou, G. M., Removal of emerging pollutants by Ru/TiO2-catalyzed permanganate oxidation. Water Res 2014, 63, 262-270. (Citations 47)
  46. Xiong, X., Sun, B., Zhang, J., Gao, N., Shen, J., Li, J., Guan, X.*, Activating persulfate by Fe-0 coupling with weak magnetic field: Performance and mechanism. Water Res 2014, 62, 53-62. (Citations 150)
  47. Sun, B., Xiong, X., Zhou, G., Guan, X.*. Response to Comment on "Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate". Environ Sci Technol 2014, 48 (11), 6520-6521. (Citations 1)
  48. Liang, L., Sun, W., Guan, X.*, Huang, Y., Choi, W., Bao, H. L., Li, L. N., Jiang, Z. Weak magnetic field significantly enhances selenite removal kinetics by zero valent iron. Water Res 2014, 49, 371-380. (Citations 156)
  49. Sun, B., Zhang, J., Du, J., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. Reinvestigation of the Role of Humic Acid in the Oxidation of Phenols by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2013, 47, 14332-14340. (Citations 68)
  50. Zhang, J., Sun, B., Guan, X.*, Wang, H., Bao, H., Huang, Y., Qiao, J., Zhou, G. M. Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on CeO2 for Catalytic Permanganate Oxidation of Butylparaben. Environ Sci Technol 2013, 47, 13011-13019. (Citations 54)
  51. Liang, L., Yang, W., Guan, X.*, Li, J., Xu, Z. J., Wu, J., Huang, Y., Zhang, X. Kinetics and mechanisms of pH-dependent selenite removal by zero valent iron. Water Res 2013, 47, 5846-5855. (Citations 142)
  52. Sun, Y., Zhou, G., Xiong, X., Guan, X.*, Li, L., Bao, H. Enhanced arsenite removal from water by Ti(SO4)2 coagulation. Water Res 2013, 47, 4340-4348. (Citations 63)
  53. Du, J., Sun, B., Zhang, J., Guan, X.*. Parabola-Like Shaped pH-Rate Profile for Phenols Oxidation by Aqueous Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2012, 46, 8860-8867. (Citations 74)
  54. Dong, H., Guan, X.*, Lo, I., Fate of As(V)-treated nano zero-valent iron: Determination of arsenic desorption potential under varying environmental conditions by phosphate extraction. Water Res 2012, 46 (13), 4071-4080. (Citations 92)
  55. Guan, X.*, Ma, J.*, Dong, H., Jiang, L. Removal of arsenic from water: Effect of calcium ions on As(III) removal in the KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Res 2009, 43, 5119-5128. (Citations 120)
  56. He, D., Guan, X.*, Ma, J.*, Yu, M. Influence of Different Nominal Molecular Weight Fractions of Humic Acids on Phenol Oxidation by Permanganate. Environ Sci Technol 2009, 43, 8332-8337.(Citations 44)
  57. Guan, X.*, Dong, H., Ma, J.*, Jiang, L. Removal of arsenic from water: Effects of competing anions on As(III) removal in KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Res 2009, 43, 3891-3899. (Citations 127)
  58. Guan, X.**, Chen, G., Shang, C., Re-use of water treatment works sludge to enhance particulate pollutant removal from sewage. Water Res 2005, 39 (15), 3433-3440. (Citations 114)
  59. Guan, X.*Chen, C.* Efficient full dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes on single enzyme-like Co−N4 sites in nitrogen-doped carbons. Appl Catal B 2023, 328, 122459. (Citations 4)
  60. Yuan, Y., Shao, B., Dong, H., Guan, X.*. Simultaneous removal of chlorite and coexisting emerging organic contaminants by sulfite: Kinetics and mechanisms. Chem Eng J 2023, 463, 142429. (Citations 0)
  61. Wang, S., Deng, Y., Shao, B., Zhu, J., Guan, X.*. Reinvestigation of the oxidation of organic contaminants by Fe(VI): Kinetics and effects of water matrix constituents. J Hazard Mater 2022, 430, 128421. (Citations 3)
  62. Shao, B., Zhu, Y., Chen, J., Lin, Y., Guan, X.*. Fate and transformation of iodine species during Mn(VII)/sulfite treatment in iodide-containing water. Water Environ Res 2022, 94 (9), e10788. (Citations 0)
  63. Liu, F., Guan, X.*, Xiao, F. Photodegradation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water: A review of fundamentals and applications. J Hazard Mater 2022, 439, 129580. (Citations 0)
  64. Dong, L., Xie, P., Zhang, X., Qiao, J., Rao, D., Sun, Y., Guan, X.*. Co-present Pb(II) accelerates the oxidation of organic contaminants by permanganate: Role of Pb(III). Front Env Sci Eng 2022, 16 (8), 109. (Citations 2)
  65. Zhu, Y., Nie, J., Yang, X., Guan, X.*. Degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A by ferrate(VI)-CaSO3 process: Kinetics, products, and impacts on following disinfection by-products formation. J Hazard Mater 2021, 412, 125297. (Citations 16)
  66. Wang, S., Shao, B., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. Application of Fe(VI) in abating contaminants in water: State of art and knowledge gaps. Front Env Sci Eng 2021, 15 (5), 80. (Citations 22)
  67. Fan, P., Zhang, X., Deng, H., Guan, X.*. Enhanced reduction of p-nitrophenol by zerovalent iron modified with carbon quantum dots. Appl Catal B-Environ 2021, 285, 119829. (Citations 16)
  68. Chen, J., Ling, J., Sun, B., Wang, J., Zhou, B., Guan, X.*, Sun, Y., Trace organic contaminants abatement by permanganate/bisulfite pretreatment coupled with conventional water treatment processes: Lab- and pilot-scale tests. J. Hazard. Mater. 2021, 401, 123380. (Citations 19)
  69. Zhu, Y., Ling, J., Li, L., Guan, X.* The effectiveness of bisulfite-activated permanganate technology to enhance the coagulation efficiency of Microcystis aeruginosa. Chinese Chem Lett 2020, 31 (6), 1545-1549. (Citations 13)
  70. Shao, B., Dong, H., Feng, L., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. Influence of [sulfite]/[Fe(VI)] molar ratio on the active oxidants generation in Fe(VI)/sulfite process. J Hazard Mater 2020, 384, 121303.  (Citations 43)
  71. Qin, H., Yin, D., Bandstra, J. Z., Sun, Y., Cao, G., Guan, X.*. Ferrous ion mitigates the negative effects of humic acid on removal of 4-nitrophenol by zerovalent iron. J Hazard Mater 2020, 383, 121218. (Citations 8)
  72. Li, J., Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Guan, X.*. Weak magnetic field enables high selectivity of zerovalent iron toward metalloid oxyanions under aerobic conditions. J Hazard Mater 2020, 400, 123330. (Citations 7)
  73. Guan, X., Du, X., Liu, M., Qin, H., Qiao, J., Sun, Y. Enhanced trichloroethylene dechlorination by carbon-modified zero-valent iron: Revisiting the role of carbon additives. J Hazard Mater 2020, 394, 122564. (Citations 23)
  74. Dong, H., Wei, G., Yin, D., Guan, X.*. Mechanistic insight into the generation of reactive oxygen species in sulfite activation with Fe(III) for contaminants degradation. J Hazard Mater 2020, 384, 121497. (Citations 56)
  75. Chen, J., Rao, D., Dong, H., Sun, B., Shao, B., Cao, G., Guan, X.*. The role of active manganese species and free radicals in permanganate/bisulfite process. J Hazard Mater 2020, 388, 121735. (Citations 44)
  76. Zhu, Y., Yang, X., Qiao, J., Zhang, X., Guan, X.*. Effects of KMnO4/NaHSO3 pre-oxidation on the formation potential of disinfection by-products during subsequent chlorination. Chem Eng J 2019, 372, 825-835. (Citations 15)
  77. Sun, B., Xiao, Z., Dong, H., Ma, S., Wei, G., Cao, T., Guan, X.*. Bisulfite triggers fast oxidation of organic pollutants by colloidal MnO2. J Hazard Mater 2019, 363, 412-420. (Citations 32)
  78. Shao, B., Qiao, J., Zhao, Z., Guan, X.*. Advances in contaminants abatement by ferrate(VI). Chinese Sci Bull 2019, 64 (33), 3401-3411. (Citations 6)
  79. Lü, Y., Li, J., Li, Y., Liang, L., Dong, H., Chen, K., Yao, C., Li, Z., Li, J., Guan, X.*. The roles of pyrite for enhancing reductive removal of nitrobenzene by zero-valent iron. Appl Catal B-Environ 2019, 242, 9-18. (Citations 49)
  80. Guan, X.*, Yang, H., Sun, Y., Qiao, J. Enhanced immobilization of chromium(VI) in soil using sulfidated zero-valent iron. Chemosphere 2019, 228, 370-376. (Citations 44)
  81. Dong, H., Chen, J., Feng, L., Zhang, W., Guan, X.*, Strathmann, T. J. Degradation of organic contaminants through activating bisulfite by cerium(IV): A sulfate radical-predominant oxidation process. Chem Eng J 2019, 357, 328-336. (Citations 52)
  82. Zhang, X., Li, J., Sun, Y., Li, L., Pan, B., Zhang, W., Guan, X.*. Aging of zerovalent iron in various coexisting solutes: Characteristics, reactivity toward selenite and rejuvenation by weak magnetic field. Sep Purif Technol 2018, 191, 94-100. (Citations 12)
  83. Sun, Y., Song, Y., Qiao, J., Pan, B., Zhang, W., Guan, X.*. Enhanced chromium(VI) removal by zero-valent iron in the presence of anions and a weak magnetic field: Batch and column tests. Chem Eng J 2018, 354, 445-453. (Citations 32)
  84. Sun, B., Li, D., Linghu, W., Guan, X.*. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by manganese(III) intermediate: Insight into the potential application of permanganate/bisulfite process. Chem Eng J 2018, 339, 144-152. (Citations 51)
  85. Sun, B., Bao, Q., Guan, X.*. Critical role of oxygen for rapid degradation of organic contaminants in permanganate/bisulfite process. J Hazard Mater 2018, 352, 157-164. (Citations 32)
  86. Qiao, J., Song, Y., Sun, Y., Guan, X.*. Effect of solution chemistry on the reactivity and electron selectivity of zerovalent iron toward Se(VI) removal. Chem Eng J 2018, 353, 246-253. (Citations 30)
  87. Fan, P., Sun, Y., Qiao, J., Lo, I. M. C., Guan, X.*. Influence of weak magnetic field and tartrate on the oxidation and sequestration of Sb(III) by zerovalent iron: Batch and semi-continuous flow study. J Hazard Mater 2018, 343, 266-275. (Citations 29)
  88. Dong, H., Wei, G., Fan, W., Ma, S., Zhao, H., Zhang, W., Guan, X.*, Strathmann, T. J. Reinvestigating the role of reactive species in the oxidation of organic co-contaminants during Cr(VI) reactions with sulfite. Chemosphere 2018, 196, 593-597. (Citations 25)
  89. Rao, D., Sun, B., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. The Properties, Generation and Environmental Significance of Mn (III). Prog Chem 2017, 29 (9), 1142-1153. (Citations 8)
  90. Li, J., Qin, H., Zhang, X., Guan, X.*. Improving the Reactivity of Zerovalent Iron toward Various Contaminants by Weak Magnetic Field: Performances and Mechanisms. Acta Chim Sinica 2017, 75 (6), 544-551. (Citations 11)
  91. Li, J., Qin, H., Zhang, W. X., Shi, Z., Zhao, D., Guan, X.*. Enhanced Cr(VI) removal by zero-valent iron coupled with weak magnetic field: Role of magnetic gradient force. Sep Purif Technol 2017, 176, 40-47. (Citations 58)
  92. Fan, W., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. Multi-wavelength spectrophotometric determination of Cr(VI) in water with ABTS. Chemosphere 2017, 171, 460-467. (Citations 26)
  93. Xiao, Z., Zhou, Q., Qin, H., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. The enhancing effect of weak magnetic field on degradation of Orange II by zero-valent iron. Desalin Water Treat 2016, 57 (4), 1659-1670. (Citations 18)
  94. Sun, B., Rao, D., Sun, Y., Guan, X.*. Auto-accelerating and auto-inhibiting phenomena in the oxidation process of organic contaminants by permanganate and manganese dioxide under acidic conditions: Effects of manganese intermediates/products. RSC Adv 2016, 6 (67), 62858-62865. (Citations 11)
  95. Sun, B., Rao, D., Dong, H., Guan, X.*. Comparing the suitability of sodium hyposulfite, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium sulfite as the quenching agents for permanganate oxidation. RSC Adv 2016, 6 (16), 13335-13342. (Citations 8)
  96. Qin, H., Li, J., Bao, Q., Li, L., Guan, X.*. Role of dissolved oxygen in metal(loid) removal by zerovalent iron at different pH: Its dependence on the removal mechanisms. RSC Adv 2016, 6 (55), 50144-50152. (Citations 24)
  97. Zhang, J., Sun, B., Huang, Y., Guan, X.*. Catalyzing the oxidation of sulfamethoxazole by permanganate using molecular sieves supported ruthenium nanoparticles. Chemosphere 2015, 141, 154-161. (Citations 11)
  98. Xiong, X., Sun, Y., Sun, B., Song, W., Sun, J., Gao, N., Qiao, J., Guan, X.*. Enhancement of the advanced Fenton process by weak magnetic field for the degradation of 4-nitrophenol. RSC Adv 2015, 5 (18), 13357-13365. (Citations 40)
  99. Liang, L., Zhang, J., Feng, P., Li, C., Huang, Y., Dong, B., Li, L., Guan, X.*. Occurrence of bisphenol A in surface and drinking waters and its physicochemical removal technologies. Front Env Sci Eng 2015, 9 (1), 16-38. (Citations 35)
  100. Liang, L., Jiang, X., Yang, W., Huang, Y., Guan, X.*, Li, L. Kinetics of selenite reduction by zero-valent iron. Desalin Water Treat 2015, 53 (9), 2540-2548. (Citations 22)
  101. Liang, L., Guan, X.*, Huang, Y., Ma, J., Sun, X., Qiao, J., Zhou, G. Efficient selenate removal by zero-valent iron in the presence of weak magnetic field. Sep Purif Technol 2015, 156, 1064-1072. (Citations 53)
  102. Li, J., Bao, H., Xiong, X., Sun, Y., Guan, X.*. Effective Sb(V) immobilization from water by zero-valent iron with weak magnetic field. Sep Purif Technol 2015, 151, 276-283. (Citations 56)
  103. Jiang, X., Qiao, J., Lo, I. M. C., Wang, L., Guan, X.*, Lu, Z., Zhou, G., Xu, C. Enhanced paramagnetic Cu2+ ions removal by coupling a weak magnetic field with zero valent iron. J Hazard Mater 2015, 283, 880-887. (Citations 99)
  104. Hu, Q., Xiao, Z., Xiong, X., Zhou, G., Guan, X.*. Predicting heavy metals' adsorption edges and adsorption isotherms on MnO2 with the parameters determined from Langmuir kinetics. J Environ Sci 2015, 27 (C), 207-216. (Citations 23)
  105. Guan, X.*, Jiang, X., Qiao, J., Zhou, G. Decomplexation and subsequent reductive removal of EDTA-chelated CuII by zero-valent iron coupled with a weak magnetic field: Performances and mechanisms. J Hazard Mater 2015, 300, 688-694. (Citations 68)
  106. Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Guan, X.*. Ru(III) catalyzed permanganate oxidation of aniline at environmentally relevant pH. J Environ Sci 2014, 26 (7), 1395-1402. (Citations 19)
  107. Zhang, A. J., Guan, X.*. Ru(III)-catalyzed permanganate oxidation of bisphenol. Desalin Water Treat 2014, 52 (22-24), 4592-4601. (Citations 17)
  108. Qiao, J., Cui, Z., Sun, Y., Hu, Q., Guan, X.*. Simultaneous removal of arsenate and fluoride from water by Al-Fe (hydr)oxides. Front Env Sci Eng 2014, 8 (2), 169-179. (Citations 41)
  109. Zhang, J., Sun, B., Guan, X.*. Oxidative removal of bisphenol A by permanganate: Kinetics, pathways and influences of co-existing chemicals. Sep Purif Technol 2013, 107, 48-53. (Citations 100)
  110. Sun, Y., Xiong, X., Zhou, G., Li, C., Guan, X.*. Removal of arsenate from water by coagulation with in situ formed versus pre-formed Fe(III). Sep Purif Technol 2013, 115, 198-204. (Citations 22)
  111. Qiao, J., Jiang, Z., Sun, B., Sun, Y., Wang, Q., Guan, X.*. Arsenate and arsenite removal by FeCl3: Effects of pH, As/Fe ratio, initial As concentration and co-existing solutes. Sep Purif Technol 2012, 92, 106-114. (Citations 74)
  112. Guan, X.*, Du, J., Meng, X., Sun, Y., Sun, B., Hu, Q. Application of titanium dioxide in arsenic removal from water: A review. J Hazard Mater 2012, 215-216, 1-16. (Citations 273)
  113. Guan, X.*, Du, J., Meng, X., Sun, Y., Sun, B., Hu, Q. Corrigendum to "Application of titanium dioxide in arsenic removal from water: A review" [J. Hazard. Mater. 215-216 (2012) 1-16]. J Hazard Mater 2012, 221-222, 303. (Citations 6)
  114. Li, C., Guan, X.*. Competitive adsorption of three different phosphate species on aluminum hydroxide. Fresen Environ Bull 2011, 20 (8), 1936-1941. (Citations 9)
  115. Guan, X.*, Dong, H., Ma, J., Lo, I. M. C., Dou, X. Performance and mechanism of simultaneous removal of chromium and arsenate by Fe(II) from contaminated groundwater. Sep Purif Technol 2011, 80 (1), 179-185. (Citations 38)
  116. Guan, X.*, Dong, H., Ma, J., Lo, I. M. C. Simultaneous removal of chromium and arsenate from contaminated groundwater by ferrous sulfate: Batch uptake behavior. J Environ Sci 2011, 23 (3), 372-380. (Citations 22)
  117. Guan, X.*, Dong, H., Ma, J. Influence of phosphate, humic acid and silicate on the transformation of chromate by Fe(II) under suboxic conditions. Sep Purif Technol 2011, 78 (3), 253-260. (Citations 65)
  118. Dong, H., Guan, X.*, Wang, D., Ma, J. Individual and combined influence of calcium and anions on simultaneous removal of chromate and arsenate by Fe(II) under suboxic conditions. Sep Purif Technol 2011, 80 (2), 284-292. (Citations 13)
  119. Dong, H., Guan, X.*, Wang, D., Li, C., Yang, X., Dou, X. A novel application of H2O2-Fe(II) process for arsenate removal from synthetic acid mine drainage (AMD) water. Chemosphere 2011, 85 (7), 1115-1121. (Citations 26)
  120. He, D., Guan, X.*, Ma, J., Yang, X., Cui, C. Influence of humic acids of different origins on oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols by permanganate. J Hazard Mater 2010, 182 (1-3), 681-688. (Citations 65)
  121. Guan, X., Su, T., Wang, J.*. Quantifying effects of pH and surface loading on arsenic adsorption on NanoActive alumina using a speciation-based model. J Hazard Mater 2009, 166 (1), 39-45. (Citations 31)
  122. Guan, X., Wang, J.*, Chusuei, C. Removal of arsenic from water using granular ferric hydroxide: Macroscopic and microscopic studies. J Hazard Mater 2008, 156 (1-3), 178-185. (Citations 150)
  123. Guan, X.*, Chen, G., Shang, C. ATR-FTIR and XPS study on the structure of complexes formed upon the adsorption of simple organic acids on aluminum hydroxide. J Environ Sci 2007, 19 (4), 438-443. (Citations 140)
  124. Guan, X.*, Chen, G., Shang, C. Adsorption behavior of condensed phosphate on aluminum hydroxide. J Environ Sci 2007, 19 (3), 312-318. (Citations 44)
  125. Guan, X., Shang, C., Zhu, J., Chen, G.*. ATR-FTIR investigation on the complexation of myo-inositol hexaphosphate with aluminum hydroxide. J Colloid Interf Sci 2006, 293 (2), 296-302. (Citations 66)
  126. Guan, X., Shang, C., Chen, G.*. ATR-FTIR investigation of the role of phenolic groups in the interaction of some NOM model compounds with aluminum hydroxide. Chemosphere 2006, 65 (11), 2074-2081. (Citations 69)
  127. Guan, X., Shang, C., Chen, G.*. Competitive adsorption of organic matter with phosphate on aluminum hydroxide. J Colloid Interf Sci 2006, 296 (1), 51-58. (Citations 78)
  128. Guan, X., Li, D., Shang, C., Chen, G.*. Role of carboxylic and phenolic groups in NOM adsorption on minerals: A review. Water Supply 2006, 6 (6), 155-164. (Citations 11)
  129. Guan, X., Chen, G.*, Shang, C. Combining kinetic investigation with surface spectroscopic examination to study the role of aromatic carboxyl groups in NOM adsorption by aluminum hydroxide. J Colloid Interf Sci 2006, 301 (2), 419-427. (Citations 38)
  130. Guan, X., Liu, Q., Chen, G.*, Shang, C. Surface complexation of condensed phosphate to aluminum hydroxide: An ATR-FTIR spectroscopic investigation. J Colloid Interf Sci 2005, 289 (2), 319-327. (Citations 76)
  131. Guan, X., Chen, G.*, Shang, C. Competitive adsorption between orthophosphate and other phosphates on aluminum hydroxide. Soil Sci 2005, 170 (5), 340-349. (Citations 17)
  132. Guan, X., Shang, C., Yu, S., Chen, G.*. Exploratory study on reusing water treatment works sludge to enhance primary sewage treatment. Water Supply 2004, 4 (1), 159-164. (Citations 5)


  1. 关小红、秦荷杰、贺震,高质量SCI论文入门必备,2020年9月
  2. 关小红,孙波,一种超快速去除水中有机污染物的技术,专利号:ZL201410846501.
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  1. Unraveling the roles of intermediate manganese species in contaminant abatement by permanganate (Mn(VII)), ACS Fall 2022, Advanced Oxidation/Reduction Processes for Water & Wastewater Treatment: Progress & Challenges分会场邀请报告,2022年8月21-25日.

  2. 化学氧化除有机污染领域的展望,水污染控制环境化学高端论坛,2020年10月17日,天津.

  3. Fe(V)/Fe(IV): Fe(VI)氧化有机污染物的背后英雄, 第二届环境化学青年学者论坛, 2020 年10 月30 日-11 月1 日,上海.

  4. 活性铁的生成及其在多个氧化过程中的贡献, 第二届环境修复与健康青年学者论坛,2020年11月27-29日,金华.

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  6. Overlooked Role of Fe(IV) and Fe(V) in Organic Contaminant Oxidation by Fe(VI), 2020水处理技术创新与前沿应用学术研讨会, 2020年9月20-22日,南京.

  7. Overlooked Role of Sulfur-Centered Radicals During Bromate Reduction by Bisulfite, 2019 International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Environment (ISNNE), April 26 - 29, 2019, Xi’an, China.

  8. 四种强化零价铁技术在有氧条件下去除Se(VI)的比较研究, 第二届西北水环境青年学者论坛(NWEY2019),2019 年5 月25-26 日,西安.

  9. 亚硫酸根活化高锰酸钾氧化技术:从实验室到实际应用,第十届全国环境化学大会, 2019年8月15-19日,天津.

  10. Oxidation of Organic Co-contaminants During Cr(VI) Reduction by Sulfite: From Established Results to a New Understanding, 2019 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, 2019 年9月25-27日,杭州.

  11. 规范的科研表达--那些你可能会忽视的细节, 2019 China-Australia Civil, Materials and Environment Forum, 2019 年12月26-29日,天津.

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  14. Inducing soluble Mn(III) generation for rapid organic contaminants abatement, Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Sciences: Water, June 24-29, 2018.

  15. Activation of permanganate with bisulfite for enhanced oxidation of organic contaminants: The involvement of Mn(III), 2nd-6th April, 2017, Oxidation Processes, Nanoparticles & Membranes in Water & Wastewater Treatment: A Symposium in honor of Prof. Jun Ma, 253rd American Chemical Society, San Francisco.

  16. Enhanced metal(loid)s removal by zero-valent iron coupled with weak magnetic field: Role of magnetic gradient force, International Workshop on Magnetic Field Effects on Aqueous Solutions, 20th-21st April, 2017, Bautzner Landstrasse 400 01328 Dresden, Germany.

  17. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by aquomanganese(III) intermediate, The 33rd International conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH 2017), 30th June - 4th July, 2017, Guangzhou.

  18. 零价铁电子选择性提高的方法与展望, 废水污染与控制分会,第九届全国环境化学大会,2017年10月19-22日,杭州.

  19. KMnO4-NaHSO3技术快速氧化有机污染物的氧气依赖现象及机制,青年学者报告会分会,第九届全国环境化学大会,2017年10月19-22日,杭州.

  20. 水污染控制铁锰化学,第八届环境化学学科人才培养及发展战略研讨会, 2016年1月6-8日,广州.

  21. 基于Mn(III)的新型氧化技术,2016年污染控制化学前沿研讨会,2016年3月25-27日,南京。

  22. Activation of Manganese Oxidants with Bisulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organics: The Involvement of Mn(III), International Symposium on Environmental Science, 5th June 2016, Hangzhou.

  23. 弱磁场驱动零价铁高效去除水中有毒金属离子的效能和反应机制, 中国化学会第 30 届学术年会,2016年7月1-4日,大连.

  24. 从提高零价铁的反应活性到提高零价铁的电子选择性, 第一届“铁环境化学及污染控制技术研讨会”,2016年11月4-6日,上海.

  25. Activation of Manganese Oxidants with Bisulfite for Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Contaminants: The Involvement of Mn(III), 2015 ISEST, 1-3 November, 2015, Chongqing, China. (邀请报告)

  26. 弱磁驱动零价铁高效去除水中有毒金属离子的效能和机制, 第八届环境化学大会,2015年11月5-8日,广州,中国. (邀请报告)

  27. 神奇的弱磁场对零价铁除有毒金属离子过程的加速作用和反应机制,第一届上海市青年教师论坛,2015年9月10日,上海,中国.(邀请报告)

  28. 第一届海峡两岸可持续城市发展论坛,香港,2014年2月14-16日.(大会题发言)

  29. Weak magnetic field significantly enhanced Se(IV) removal by zero valent iron. 247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 16-20, 2014, in Dallas, TX, USA.(分会场邀请报告)

  30. 弱磁场强化零价铁去除水中有毒金属离子的效能和机制, 中国化学会第十二届全国水处理化学大会暨学术研讨,2014年10月10-12日,广州.(分会场邀请报告)

  31. 水中As(III)/As(V) 去除的新方法.第七届环境化学大会,2013年9月22-25日,贵阳.(专题邀请报告)

  32. Magic magnetic field: Its influence on heavy metals removal by ZVI. Metals in water – health protection and sustainability through technical innovation. November 7-8, 2013, Shanghai, China.(分会场主题发言)

  33. 铁铝复合吸附剂共除地下水中砷和氟的研究.第六届全国环境化学大会,2011年9月21-24日,上海. (专题邀请报告)

  34. A career in Academia. The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, October 2-6, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.(专场邀请报告)



2024 英国皇家学会会士

2020 国家自然基金委杰出青年基金

2016 同济大学百人计划支持计划

2015 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金


2012 上海市青年科技启明星











2021年获ES&T的Super Reviewer Award




2019年获Water Research的best reviewer award




2017年Wastewater–a research selection for World Water Day 2017,选择20篇论文给予open access,我们的论文居第一

2016年获Environmental Science & Technology的Best Reviewer Award




2014年在IWA conference of “Science Summit for Urban Water”会议上获得最佳poster

2013年在IWA conference “Metals in Water-2013”会议上获得最佳poster