


钟士发 研究员




















钟士发 青年研究员






2017.09-2021.05          凯斯西储大学 (美国) 土木工程                 博士

2012.09-2014.07              哈尔滨工业大学无机化学                     硕士

2007.09-2011.07               中国海洋大学材料化学                       本科



2021.06-2022.07                 美国佐治亚理工学院                       博士后

2016.07-2017.01         中科院福建物质与结构研究所              研究实习员

2014.07-2015.05           中科院青岛生物能源研究所               研究实习员



· 水处理,高级氧化技术

· CO2固化吸附与回收利用

· 人工智能、机器学习和深度学习在环境、材料和化学领域的应用





1. Shifa Zhong, Dylan Lambeth, Thomas Igou, and Yongsheng Chen*. Enlarging Applicability Domain of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Models Through Uncertainty-based Active Learning. ACS ES&T Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestengg.1c00434 (封面).

2. Gao, Haiping# ; Zhong, Shifa#; Zhang, Wenlong; Igou, Thomas; Berger, Eli; Reid, Elliot; Zhao, Yangying; Lambeth, Dylan; Gan, Lan; Afolabi, Moyosore; Tong, Zhaohui; Lan, Guanghui; Chen, Yongsheng. Revolutionizing Membrane Design Using Machine Learning-Bayesian Optimization. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 4, 2572–2581 (1st coauthor) (封面)

3. Shifa Zhong, Yanping Zhang* and Huichun Zhang*. Machine learning assisted QSAR models on contaminant reactivity toward four oxidants: Combining small datasets and knowledge transfer. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 1, 681–692

4. Shifa Zhong, Kai Zhang, Majid Bagheri, Joel G. Burken, April Gu, Baikun Li, Xingmao Ma, Babetta L. Marrone, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Joshua Schrier, Wei Shi, Haoyue Tan, Tianbao Wang, Bryan M. Wong, Xu Wang, Xusheng Xiao, Xiong Yu, Jun-Jie Zhu, Huichun Zhang*. Machine Learning: New Ideas and Tools in Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 19, 12741–12754 (封面)

5. Jianzhi Huang#, Shifa Zhong#, Yifan Dai, Chung-Chiun Liu, Huichun Zhang*, Effect of MnO2 Phase Structure on the Oxidative Reactivity toward Bisphenol A Degradation, Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52, 11309. (1st coauthor)

6. Shifa Zhong, Huichun Zhang*. New insight into the reactivity of Mn (III) in bisulfite/permanganate for organic compounds oxidation: The catalytic role of bisulfite and oxygen, Water Research, 2019, 148, 198.

7. Shifa Zhong, Kai Zhang, Dong Wang, Huichun Zhang*. Shedding Light On “Black Box” Machine Learning Models for Predicting the Reactivity of HO• Radicals toward Organic Compounds, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 126627.

8. Shifa Zhong, Jiajie Hu, Xiong Yu, and Huichun Zhang*. Molecular Image–Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Assisted QSAR Models for Predicting Contaminant Reactivity toward OH Radicals: Transfer Learning, Data Augmentation and Model Interpretation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 408, 127998.

9. Shifa Zhong, Jiajie Hu, Xudong Fan, Xiong Yu, Huichun Zhang*. A Deep Neural Network Combined with Molecular Fingerprints (DNN-MF) to Develop Predictive Models for Hydroxyl Radical Rate Constants of Water Contaminants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 383, 121141.

10. Shifa Zhong, Huichun Zhang*. Mn(III)-ligand complexes as a catalyst in ligand-assisted oxidation of substituted phenols by permanganate in aqueous solution, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384, 121401.

11. Shifa Zhong, Yuanyuan Sun, Hongchuan Xin*, Chunpeng Yang, Lei Chen, Xuebing Li. NO oxidation over Ni-Co perovskite catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 275, 351-356.

12. Shifa Zhong, Lin Liang, Mengshuai Liu, Bo Liu, Jianmin Sun*. DMF and mesoporous Zn/SBA-15 as synergistic catalysts for the cycloaddition of CO2 to propylene oxide, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2015, 9, 58-65.

13. Shifa Zhong, Lin Liang, Bo Liu, Jianmin Sun*. ZnBr2/DMF as simple and highly active Lewis acid–base catalysts for the cycloaddition of CO2 to propylene oxide, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2014, 6, 75-79.



2021, The Craig J. Miller Memorial Award

2020, FESE-2019 Best reviewer Award

2019, The Kenneth M. Haber Award